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Setup Third-Party OAuth Integration


GameFabric supports Third-Party OAuth Integration with every OAuth-compatible Identity Provider, allowing you to reuse your existing authentication flows, without giving GameFabric access to your sensitive authentication data.


Before setting up a Third-Party OIDC Provider, ensure the following conditions are met:

  • You have access to an active GameFabric installation with permissions to modify OAuth Providers or the default user.
  • You have an OIDC (OpenID Connect) provider, including a Client ID and Client Secret.

Configuring Permissions for modifying OIDC Providers

To be able to setup a new OIDC Provider, associated role of the active user must have "GET" and "POST" permissions for the "Providers" resource. This can be configured on RBAC page of the GameFabric UI.

You may check which group(s) a user belongs to from "Groups / Users" page (under "Access Management"). You may also add/remove user(s) from/to group(s) on the "Groups / Users" page.

Navigate to the "Access Management" from the Sidebar Menu, and then into the "Roles" page. On the list that displays roles, find the role you would like to modify permissions of, and click "Edit".

UI will show you a matrix of "Role - Resource" configurations. Scroll down to the "Providers" resource, and make sure that "GET" and "POST" permissions are ticked.

Role Resource Matrix Screenshot

Setting up a new OIDC Provider

Navigate to the "Access Management" section from the Sidebar Menu, and then into the "OIDC Providers" page. You may add a new OIDC Provider via the Add Provider button.

Add Provider Screenshot

For providers such as Microsoft ENTRA or Google Identity Platform; following instructions in Preliminary Configurations are sufficient to complete the integration.

If you are using a non-standardized OIDC Provider, or would like to further customize the authentication flow (modifying prompt behavior of your OIDC Provider, etc.) please refer to Advanced Configurations.

Preliminary configurations

On the "General" step, enter a desired ID and Display Name for your provider. The OIDC Provider you are about to add will be saved under this ID and Display Name on GameFabric.

Provider Details Screenshot

On the "Provider" step, you need to specify the Issuer URL of your OIDC provider. This URL points to the OIDC Discovery Document of that particular provider, and GameFabric uses this Discovery Document for integrating with that provider.

Issuer URL must only point to the exact discovery endpoint, similar to the examples below; and must NOT include any trailing path (such as "/.well-known/openid-configuration" etc.)

Some Issuer URLs are:

Microsoft ENTRA{tenantID}/v2.0
Google Identity Platform
Amazon Cognitohttps://cognito-idp.{region}

GameFabric must be configured as an external application in the OIDC Provider in order for the provider to assign the Client ID & Secret for GameFabric.

Fill in the Client ID & Secret to their respective text inputs, and click "Next".

Issuer Configuration Screenshot

For OIDC Providers with standard behavior no further configuration is necessary and you may click "Create" button to finish adding your provider.

Basic Provider Create Screenshot

Advanced Configurations

This section allows configuration of Scopes & Claims, Prompt, Claim Mapping and Provider Discovery Override.

Scopes & Claims

GameFabric requests additional data about the authenticated user using Scopes & Claims.

For example, you may want to use a different email field as the users display email on GameFabric, or a different username than the one your provider forwards you by default.

This is accomplished via requesting Scopes (OpenID Scopes) from the OIDC Provider.

As a result, OIDC Provider will return Claims that contains information about the authenticated user.

Scopes text input can be used for requesting these claims during the authentication process. GameFabric will request these Scopes from the OIDC Provider.

Scopes Screenshot

Common scopes include:

openidRequired for OpenID Connect; requests and ID token
emailRequests the user's email address
profileRequests additional user profile information, such as name and picture
groupsRequests group membership claims (if supported by the identity provider)
offline_accessRequests refresh tokens that GameFabric uses to obtain new access tokens when the user’s session with the provider expires.
custom scopesApplications or APIs can define their own scopes for specific permissions

By default the claim sub is mapped to UserID and name is mapped to UserName. It is, however, possible to use different Claims to be configured onto UserID and UserName.

UserID Key text input allows an incoming Claim to be mapped onto UserID field and UserName Key text input allows an incoming Claim to be mapped onto UserName field.

Scope offline_access enables GameFabric to obtain refresh tokens from the OIDC Provider. This makes automatic renewal of access tokens possible, extending user session beyond the default expiration period. Without this scope, user session will end once the access token of the user expires, requiring them to log in again.


OIDC Providers execute authentication via displaying a prompt to the user. This behavior of the provider may be configured via forwarding the Prompt parameter with the authentication request. The default value will be consent if not configured.

Possible Prompt values are:

noneEnsures no user interaction occurs. If the user is not already authenticated, the request fails with an error.
loginForces the user to re-authenticate, even if they are already logged in.
consentForces the identity provider to show a consent screen, even if the user has already granted consent.
select_accountPrompts the user to choose an account if they are logged in with multiple accounts.

Prompt Section Screenshot

Claim Mapping

Some OIDC providers return non-standard claims. Claim Mapping section allows mapping these claims into standardized claims in GameFabric.

Some of the non-standard claims, and how would they map to GameFabric claims:

Non-standard ClaimCorresponding GameFabric ClaimDescription
login_namepreferred_usernameThe username used for login purposes, which might differ from the display name
aliaspreferred_usernameAn alternative username or alias for the user
normalized_usernamepreferred_usernameLowercased username
secondary_emailemailSecondary email, that might be wished to map to the principal "email"

Provider Discovery Override

GameFabric performs a preparatory request to the OIDC Provider to fetch required configuration details. If this query returns incorrect information, you can override these values:

  • Token URL
  • Auth URL
  • JWKs URL

This customization ensures compatibility with providers returning non-standard discovery responses.


Microsoft ENTRA


Before configuring ENTRA as a new OIDC Provider on GameFabric, it's required to ensure that GameFabric is configured as an application on ENTRA.

About further information on how to accomplish this, please refer to: ("Enable ID Tokens" Section)

Add ENTRA as a provider

On "Create OIDC Provider" page, fill in ID and Name for ENTRA:

Add ENTRA Screenshot

On the next step:

  • Fill in the "Issuer URL" of ENTRA

    For ENTRA this is "{tenant-id}/v2.0"

  • Fill in the ClientID & Secret you have obtained from ENTRA for GameFabric

    Client ID & Secret should be presented to you by ENTRA when GameFabric is configured as an Application on ENTRA following the steps mentioned in prerequisites

Microsoft ENTRA Details Screenshot

No additional details are required as ENTRA returns all necessary claims and information. You can now start using ENTRA to authenticate users with GameFabric.