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Token Provider

The Token Provider is the system responsible for acquiring or generating the JWT which is issued to the SteelShield Token Service.

There are 2 Token Provider implementations which are supplied with the SteelShield Plugin, but the plugin integrator is able to develop their own Token Provider that works with their backend should they have a custom backend solution.


It is advised that as much of the authentication and JWT generation as possible is done on the game backend server so that attackers are not able to reverse engineer and extract certificates on the client side in order to generate valid tokens that can be used in an attack.

EOS Token Provider

The EOS Token Provider requires integration of the game with Epic Online Services. The EOS is then used to extract a JWT which has been generated by the Epic Servers and can be trusted and authenticated by the SteelShield Token Service.

It is recommended to use the Redpoint EOS plugin in order to implement EOS services in the game, as SteelShield has been extensively tested with this implementation.

Default Token Provider

The Default Token Provider can be used in testing environments, but due to its insecure nature of including the Certificate in with the Game Client, it is not reccommended for production use.

This token provider uses the Certificate and information provided in the SteelShield Plugin Settings to generate and sign a JWT locally without needing to communicate with a remote backend server